Welcome to the
Terres Touloises

    © Ville de Toul

    Discover our summer activities

    This summer, the Terres Touloises Tourist Office has prepared a summer program full of discoveries. Thematic heritage tours, nocturnal torchlight discoveries, guided nature excursions, and even meals in the vineyards – the summer program is full of great ideas! So

    So, follow the guide and let yourself be enchanted by the wonders of the Terres Touloises!

    To book, click the button below, then select the date of your event at the top of the page!

    Thelittle extra
    Browse the program, you will also find the essential events of the summer. Find them in our
    agenda section.

    Our upcoming events

    Be inspired

    Côtes de Toul
    © ODG Côtes de Toul - F. Doncourt

    The AOC Côtes de Toul Route

    Awaken your taste buds with the wines of the AOC Côtes de Toul and meet passionate winegrowers.

    Patrimoine fortifié
    © La Citadelle

    The fortifications

    Throw yourself at the ramparts and forts of Toul and the area!

    Cathédrale Saint-Etienne
    © Boucle de la Moselle

    The St Stephen's Cathedral

    Travel through time and discover the historical heritage of Toul and its area!

    Boucle de la Moselle
    © Boucle de la Moselle

    The Boucle de la Moselle

    Awaken the sportsperson in yourself or have a leisure walk in family on the Boucle de la Moselle!

    Tasting space

    Espace dégustation
    © MDT

    Right next to the Cathedral, the tasting space of the Maison du Tourisme is an essential step to discover the wines of the Côtes de Toul all year long. Taste a selection of Gris de Toul, Auxerrois and Pinots Noirs of the AOC Côtes de Toul and the winegrowers of the Toulois.

    The tasting space is the first of its kind in the Grand Est area with its Enomatic wine serving system, that ensures and optimises tasting conditions. You can also buy all wines available for tasting.

    Outils d’accessibilité